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Springpoint Strong Fund

Eligibility Requirements and Restrictions.


At Springpoint, we are committed to the overall well-being of our dedicated and hardworking employees, especially during times of personal struggle. We created the Springpoint Strong Fund to support our Springpoint team members who are dealing with financial burdens caused by unforeseen hardships. This program, funded by the Springpoint Foundation, is designed to support our employees during their time of greatest need.


  • All Springpoint employees who are actively employed by Springpoint for at least 6 months, a minimum of 20 hours per week, prior to the event and application.
  • Springpoint employees must be in good employment standing, which is defined as an employee using good-faith efforts to meet business needs, demands, and expectations. The Employee will not have any current disciplinary actions, including performance-based misconduct, not be on probation, and has not given notice of resignation.
  • If the employee passes away, then a spouse or eligible dependent may apply.
  • The qualifying incident must have happened within the past 90 days.
  • An employee can only be approved for assistance once within a 12-month period.
  • The event is not covered by insurance.
  • The event MUST fall into one of these categories:
    • Natural Disaster – For situations, such as wildfire, flood, severe storms such as hurricanes or tornados or other weather, which has damaged or destroyed the employee’s primary residence or essential property and is not covered by insurance. The Fund cannot pay to repair other property such as fencing, carports, garages, and storage buildings, and cannot pay to replace non-essential items, such as electronics or furnishings. Photographs, insurance reports, or other documentation is required.
    • Catastrophic or Extreme Circumstances – This includes damage by fire, major home damage that could not be prevented, crime against the employee (robbery, arson, assault, extreme vandalism), or another incident beyond the applicant’s control. Not qualified: routine home repairs, damages dues to negligence, vehicle maintenance or registration, utility bills, lawful wage garnishment, bankruptcy, court ordered child support payments, reduced hours or pay, job layoffs, divorce or separation, or roommate vacancy, or anything covered by insurance. Documentation of the incident will be required.


• Tuition
• Credit Card or other accumulated debt
• Parental leave
• Divorce
• Job loss or reduced wages
• Alimony & Child Support
• Routine home repairs, or home repairs caused by neglect
• Taxes
• Events arising from an illegal activity with which an employee was complicit.


Please contact your Human Resources representative with any further questions.

Committed to your wellbeing

Springpoint is committed to the overall wellbeing of our dedicated and hardworking team members, especially during times of personal struggle due to unforeseen hardships. We created the Springpoint Strong Fund to support our employees during their time of need. Team members should speak with their Human Resources representative to get an application, or click the link below to apply online.

If you find yourself financially burdened with unforeseen hardships and need assistance, please do not hesitate to apply for the Springpoint Strong Fund and take advantage of the resources and support available to you.

Springpoint Strong Fund Application

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