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New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors

Senior woman making a list of her New Year’s resolutions.

It’s the beginning of a new year — and that means resolutions are top of mind. This is your time to reflect and think of ways you wish to improve yourself and your life. As you’re sitting down and making your list of things you believe will make you happier and healthier, here are a few ideas for New Year’s resolutions we’ve thought of here at Springpoint.

7 New Year’s Resolution Ideas

Revisit an Old Hobby: Have you had to put a hobby on the backburner because other tasks needed to be prioritized? Now that you’re enjoying your retirement years with newfound time to dedicate to your favorite activities, we encourage you to revisit an old hobby. Whether it be photography or playing an instrument, put aside time every week to explore your passions.

Keep in Touch with Loved Ones. While social distancing has become more and more common, it’s increasingly important to stay in touch with friends and family. Face-to-face interactions may not be possible, but you can send mail or take advantage of technology with phone calls, text messages or even video calls.

Explore Volunteer Opportunities: Giving a part of ourselves to others encourages personal happiness and strengthens wellbeing. So, the next time you’re feeling down or desire a sense of purpose, remember that you’re able to help yourself by helping others. You can do this is by making a monthly contribution to your favorite charity or cleaning up trash in a local neighborhood park.

Establish a Fitness Routine: An improvement to your physical fitness through exercise is a common resolution. This doesn’t have to be a lofty goal, though — it can be as simple as purchasing a pedometer and setting a goal of reaching a certain number of steps per day or adding in an additional 10 minutes of movement throughout the day. Whatever it takes to enhance your physical wellness, make a point to incorporate these efforts into your normal routine.

Consider Healthier Dessert Options: We’re not saying to give up dessert entirely — but consuming too much sugar can lead to weight gain, high blood pressure and other chronic issues. Rather than grabbing a cookie or ice cream every night, consider fruit or dark chocolate to satisfy your sweet craving.

Get Enough Sleep: Restful sleep is essential to your wellbeing, no matter your age. Contrary to popular opinion, seniors don’t need less sleep than the average person — in fact, all adults need about seven to nine hours a night. Making sleep a priority in the new year will help contribute to your overall wellness.

Declutter. Do you ever look around your home and think that you have too much stuff? Now is the time to go through your possessions and only keep those that are most important to you. It doesn’t need to be overwhelming — go through one room at a time and sort your belongings into those you wish to keep, donate, sell or throw away.

Keep Your Resolutions with Springpoint

At Springpoint, we want you to thrive and live the best life you possibly can. With maintenance-free living offered at each of our eight Life Plan Communities, there’s no need to worry about the little things — they’re all taken care of for you! You’re left with plenty of extra time to do the things you love the most and accomplish your goals.

Contact us today with any questions you may have or to schedule your personal tour.

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