Diane Willoughby of Springpoint Choice Honored with Excellence in Leadership Award

Recognized for Outstanding Dedication of Aging Services by LeadingAge NJ & DE
Wall Township, New Jersey – February 25 2022 – Springpoint is proud to announce that Diane Willoughby of Springpoint Choice was among the LeadingAge New Jersey and Delaware Award recipients for 2022. Ms. Willoughby was recently honored at the 2022 Leading Age Awards Ceremony held on February 16 at The Boat House at Mercer Lake, located in West Windsor, New Jersey.
The LeadingAge awards recognize the ways that members are making a difference in the lives of older adults, colleagues, and their local community. Award recipients include heroic staff from across the aging services continuum serving residents in nursing homes, assisted living residences, homecare and independent senior affordable housing communities.
Springpoint’s Diane Willoughby, Delaware Program Director with Springpoint Choice is a recipient of the Excellence in Leadership Award. Diane’s responsibility to assure each members’ safety, both physically and mentally proved to be a herculean task over the past year and a half. Despite the challenges she encountered, she met and surpassed that task. She made much needed daily interactions with members a top priority. Her actions demonstrated that flexibility and professionalism are the mark of excellence in leadership. She is highly respected by both her peers and Springpoint Choice members.
“Being recognized in the Excellence in Leadership award category confirms Diane’s commitment and high standard of excellence practiced in her leadership role. She epitomizes Springpoint’s mission, vision, and values, and makes a positive difference in the lives of those she serves,” said Anthony A. Argondizza, President and Chief Executive Officer of Springpoint. “Congratulations to Diane and all of the award winners.”